What is Rotary SCANEX & Rotary Y.E.S.

What is Rotary YES (SCANEX)? Rotary Y.E.S. (youth exchange service) is a non-commercial organization formed by nine Rotary International Districts (5000, 5240, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5330, 5340, 5420, & 5495) who have pooled their resources to provide you effective & efficient services. We have an established network of trusted Rotarians involved in Youth Exchange throughout the world helping to ensure a successful and safe exchange for your son or daughter. For the high school year inbound students, we make available an incredible 30 day Amtrak tour of America. The photo on the left is in Boston on the 4th of July and these two girls from Venezuela and Australia enjoyed a little dual patriotic face painting.

What is Rotary Youth Exchange?

This year almost 7,000 students from more than 71 countries will enrich their lives. They will see the world the way it is best seen – from the inside out – through Rotary’s Youth Exchange. Who can participate? The youth exchange program is open to qualified young men & women between the ages of 15 & 19. The sons & daughters of Non-Rotarians & Rotarians are eligible. Applicants are to be approved by a local Rotary club on the basis of a written application & personal interview.

What is ROTARY?

Rotary International is the world’s first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self..